Complete Community Worker

Welcome to the Complete Community Worker! Im excited youre here and excited about the journey we will go on together.

When you become a member of the Complete Community Worker tribe you get access to world class training at a fraction of the cost you would normally pay.

Your membership comes with all the things you need to complete on a yearly basis to work in the community as well as a whole host of other courses the you will find incredibly helpful at no extra cost. Heres a run down of what you get.

  • HLTAID001 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (updated annually)
  • HLTAID003 - Provide first aid - Nationally Recognised Certificate (updated every 3 years)
  • Access to the invitation only Community Workers  Facebook group
  • Suicide Intervention Course
  • Mental Health Course
  • Grief and Loss Course
  • Drugs and Alcohol Course
  • Basic Counselling Course
  • Meditation for beginners Course
  • And many more added each month


On the completion of any course you do you will have the opportunity to complete a quiz and receive a Certificate emailed directly to you on successful completion which you can add to your resume and increase your employment options.

The invitation only facebook group is for community workers to share fun experiences, ups and downs that only community workers can understand.





50% Complete

Two Step

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